لعبة Cut the Grass عبارة عن لعبة محاكاة رائعة يتعين عليك فيها قص العشب ، والجمع بين السكاكين للحصول على مقاربة أكثر احترافية ، وترك مناطق نظيفة تمامًا من الأرض.
غمرت الأعشاب الكثيفة والمورقة المناطق المحيطة ، وهناك حاجة ماسة إلى خبير لتدمير النباتات المفرطة في المزرعة ، في الحديقة اليابانية ، في الغرب المتوحش. يتم منح اللاعب بسكينًا بسيطًا لبداية بطيئة ولكن أكيدة في العمل. يتم عرض الأدوات المتاحة في الجزء السفلي من الشاشة. إذا تم العثور على كائنين متطابقين ، فمن المستحسن الجمع بينهما لزيادة إنتاجية العمل والحصول على شفرة جديدة أكثر كفاءة. لا يمكن ترقية السكاكين إلا من خلال التوصيل ، لذلك من المهم زيادة مستوى أدوات القطع المتوفرة باستمرار.
للراحة ، يشار إلى رقم على ريش - وهو مؤشر لدرجة الضخ ، وهذا يبسط تحليل الوضع لحساب إجراءات أخرى. هناك عدد قليل من الجمعيات كافية لإلغاء تأمين تهذيب الحشائش والتصرف بخطى جديدة. تحتاج الآليات أيضًا إلى التحسين ، لذا استمر في توصيل نفس النوع من أدوات القطع. ستكون المحاور والسواطير و 28 نوعًا آخر من الآلات والسكاكين تحت تصرف المستخدم. العملية آمنة تمامًا ، لا توجد مخاطر الإصابة)
السمات المميزة للعبة Cut the Grass:
جمع الكائنات متطابقة.
أكثر من 30 جز العشب وعناصر القطع.
تصميم موضوعي لطيف.
جمع المكافآت عند تنظيف الحقول ؛
اقتناء سكاكين جديدة.
هذه اللعبة البسيطة والادمان تجعل من المشروع قاتلًا رائعًا. يتم تعويض بدائية المؤامرة من خلال رسومات ثلاثية الأبعاد ، وهو تطبيق مثير للاهتمام للرسوم المتحركة. يقدم تغيير المواقع مجموعة متنوعة ، والقدرة على اختيار العملات المعدنية وشراء سلع للمكافآت التي تم العثور عليها تتيح لك بناء استراتيجيات كاملة لحقول القص. تشغل اللعبة مساحة لا تقل عن الهاتف الذكي ، وتسمح لك بالاسترخاء وتشتيت الانتباه قليلاً في البيئة الطبيعية عن مخاوف المدينة. قطع العشب عندما يظهر الإلهام ، وتصبح مهنية في مجال القص العشب ، وجعل الأرض فوارة من عدم وجود حتى الأعشاب الصغيرة!
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
v1.6.3: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.
معلومات عامة
1.6.3 (16)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-05-28 00:29
25.45 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
v1.6.1: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.
معلومات عامة
1.6.1 (14)
تحميل التسجيل
2019-12-24 03:20
25.14 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
v1.5.3: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.
معلومات عامة
1.5.3 (11)
تحميل التسجيل
2019-10-25 15:32
23.97 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
v1.5.2: Added 8 new knives for you to unlock. Thanks.
معلومات عامة
1.5.2 (10)
تحميل التسجيل
2019-10-19 23:54
23.99 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
v1.5.1: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.
معلومات عامة
1.5.1 (9)
تحميل التسجيل
2019-10-15 03:00
22.52 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.