تعد لعبة Maze Machina استراتيجية كاملة ، لأن التكتيكات هي بالتأكيد في المقام الأول ، ولكن لا تنس حقيقة أن هذا اللغز ، لذلك بالإضافة إلى المهارات التكتيكية ، سيتعين عليك استخدام عقلك بنشاط ، وإلا ، على الأرجح ، لا شيء سوف تنجح.
ولكن دعنا ننتقل إلى الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام - خالق هذه اللعبة! اسمه أرنولد راورز ، وكما تعلم ، هذا مطور مستقل ، مما يعني أن عمله سيكون مختلفًا تمامًا عن ما اعتدنا على رؤيته. ومع ذلك ، يمكن تحسد أدائها ، لأنه يوجد في الوقت الحالي 5 ألعاب على حسابها ، وهو إنجاز أصلي لمطور مستقل! ولكن ، إذا كنت مهتمًا ، فتأكد من مراجعة عمله ، وسنعود إلى منتجنا الجديد.
في القصة ، كان بطلك في السجن ، والذي تم بناؤه بواسطة روبوت بهدف وحيد هو الاستمتاع ، مما يعني أن لديك فرصة للخروج! كل مستوى هو حقل 4 × 4 مربع ، فقط القواعد والميكانيكا تتغير في كل مرة ، ولكن وفرة الأدوات وجميع أنواع الأجهزة سوف تساعد في هذه المهمة الصعبة. على أي حال ، يمكن فقط لعقلك أن يساعدك هنا ، والتي يجب أن تأتي بخطط وتحركات ذكية ، وإلا فلن تنجح.
ميزات اللعبة Maze Machina على Android:
بسيط جدا التحكم بإصبع واحد
كل مستوى فريد من نوعه ، وكذلك تكتيكات مرورها
خمس طرق لعبة ، ولكل منها خصائصه الخاصة
5-10 دقائق كافية للمستوى ، وهو مناسب على الطريق
هناك جدول مع القادة حيث يمكنك التعرف على إنجازاتك
عيوب اللعبة:
نظرًا لأن المطور بحاجة إلى كسب المال - هناك إعلانات هنا ، ولكن مقابل 3 دولارات يمكنك إيقاف تشغيله إلى الأبد!
خلاصة القول: Maze Machina هو مشروع فريد من نوعه يجب عليك بالتأكيد الانتباه إلى كل من يحب الاستراتيجيات والألغاز ، في حين لا ينبغي أن يكون الحجم الصغير لما يحدث مربكًا. المشروع بجودة عالية ومثيرة للاهتمام ، لذلك نوصي به!
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
- added Vibration Toggle in the Settings - removed forced Ads
معلومات عامة
1.0.6 (29)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-06-14 04:07
69.91 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.