لعبة Gravity هي لعبة ألغاز مثيرة جدًا للأندرويد ، واسمها يشير بالفعل إلى الفيزياء التي سيتعين على اللاعب مواجهتها في عملية تجاوز المستويات ، حيث يتم تقسيم كل شيء هنا. الجاذبية هي بالتأكيد إحساس مثير للاهتمام ، لكنها ليست الأكثر شيوعًا ، خاصة عندما تكون غائبة ، مما يعني أنه يمكنك التنقل بسرعة فيما يحدث وحل جميع المشكلات المقترحة؟
لقد أعددنا اللعبة في استوديو DEFAULT ™ وبشكل عام ، لا يوجد شيء آخر يمكن قوله ، لأن هذا هو مشروعهم الأول والوحيد ، لذلك من الصعب تحديد مصيرها بالضبط ، ولكن حتى الآن ، هناك عدد قليل جدًا التحميلات.
كما فهمت بالفعل ، فإن ما يحدث يعتمد على قوانين الفيزياء ، وليس فقط على الجاذبية ، بل على غيابها ، أي. ستكون شخصيتك في طي النسيان. لكن هذا ليس الشيء الأكثر أهمية وصعوبة فيما يحدث. نظرًا لأننا نتحدث هنا عن الكون المجهول ، فإن ما يحدث سيصبح غير عادي تمامًا بل وغريبًا. إن الكون الذي ستجد نفسك فيه والذي سوف تستكشفه يخضع لقوانين الرياضيات التي تظهر فيها فقط ثلاثة وثلاثيات ، وهو أمر غريب ، ولكن هنا من الأفضل أن تتعرف على التدريب من أجل فهم دقيق لما هو بالضبط مطلوب منك.
لا تنس أن الثقوب السوداء والثقوب الدودية والعناصر الأخرى الكامنة في الفضاء ستنتظرك في طريقك إلى هدفك. ومع ذلك ، يتضمن كل مستوى الحاجة للوصول إلى بوابة تنقلك إلى المرحلة التالية. في المواقف الصعبة ، يجدر استخدام إحدى المكافآت الثلاثة المتاحة ، والتي يمكن أن تبسط الحياة بشكل كبير ، أو تنقذك حرفيًا من موقف ميؤوس منه.
مميزات لعبة Gravity على الأندرويد:
ضوابط بسيطة
طريقة لعب غير عادية للغاية ؛
فيزياء رائعة
عدد كبير من المستويات يكفي لفترة طويلة.
عيوب اللعبة:
طريقة اللعب معقدة للغاية ، عليك أن تعرفها ؛
هناك بعض الإعلانات ويمكنك إيقاف تشغيلها مقابل المال.
خلاصة القول: الجاذبية هي لغز غير عادي ، صعب ، في البداية غير مفهوم ، ولكن مع ذلك ، إذا تمكنت من اكتشافه ، فعندئذ سوف يعجبك بالتأكيد والوقت الذي تقضيه في المشروع سوف يمر دون أن يلاحظه أحد.
This new update adds cool new VFX, player animations, and sound effects.
معلومات عامة
14.2 (142)
تحميل التسجيل
2022-11-07 04:42
61.75 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
This new update adds cool new VFX, player animations, and sound effects.
معلومات عامة
14.2 (142)
تحميل التسجيل
2022-11-07 04:42
61.77 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
This new update adds cool new VFX, player animations, and sound effects.
معلومات عامة
14.2 (142)
تحميل التسجيل
2022-11-07 04:42
62.72 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
- Refined tutorial - Improvements to movement indicator
معلومات عامة
10.4 (104)
تحميل التسجيل
2021-03-03 19:51
41.62 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.