Dragon Masters: War of Legends هي لعبة محمولة يتعين عليك فيها الانغماس في عالم تمكنت فيه البشرية من ترويض التنانين. هذه مخلوقات ضخمة تستخدم للتغلب على السماوات. لكن العالم لا يمكن أن يدوم إلى الأبد.
بدأ أبطال Dragon Masters: War of Legends في عداء ومعركة على السلطة. ويمكن للاعب أيضًا الانضمام إلى المعارك بتنسيق حماية الأصناف النباتية. قم ببناء قوتك الخاصة ، واستهدف بشكل أفضل ، وارفع مستواك وكن سيدًا سماويًا!
في Dragon Masters: War of Legends ، يقاتل فريق آخر. كل من هؤلاء لديه خمسة لاعبين. يمكنك التعاون مع الأصدقاء أو اختيار حلفاء عشوائيين للقتال مع خصوم عشوائيين. لكن من المهم أن نلاحظ أن القتال في السماء هو أكثر متعة مع الشركة. إذا كنت تستخدم خدمة جهة خارجية ، فيمكنك مناقشة الإستراتيجية وتغييرها أثناء المعركة ومشاركة عواطفك. في Dragon Masters: War of Legends ، يمكنك إنشاء تحالفك الخاص. مع الأصدقاء ، تكون فرص أن تصبح منيعًا أكبر بكثير!
في حين أن Dragon Masters: War of Legends لم تكتسب شعبية كبيرة على Google Play ، هناك عدد كافٍ من اللاعبين عبر الإنترنت. هذا يمكن أن يعني فقط أن فرص أن تصبح بطلاً اليوم عالية بشكل خاص. Dragon Masters: War of Legends هو مشروع عالي الجودة من المؤكد أنه سيفوز بحب عامة الناس. لكن الآن يمكنك أن تصبح واحدًا من الأوائل. قم بالوصول إلى المرتفعات الآن ، وحلّق في السماء لتحصل على ميزة لا يمكن إنكارها في المستقبل!
تحتوي اللعبة على تنانين مختلفة تمامًا ، يمكنك محاولة الطيران واحدة تلو الأخرى. كل حيوان لديه قدرات وخصائص فريدة. من المستحسن أن تتعرف على ممثلين من أنواع مختلفة من أجل الحصول على صورة كاملة لجميع مزاياهم ، لمعرفة كيف سيتصرف اللاعبون الآخرون في المواقف المختلفة.
Dragon Masters: War of Legends تدور حول الأحلام والمعارك واسعة النطاق والفتوحات و ... التنانين! انغمس في عالم رائع ، قصة خيالية. حسّن مهاراتك وابحث عن الحلفاء واربح!
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.