Infinity Clan هي لعبة محمولة حيث يتعين عليك تعيين العالم في عالم خيالي. تتقاتل مجموعة متنوعة من العشائر مع بعضها البعض باستمرار ، ولا يحتاج الناس العاديون إلا للبقاء على قيد الحياة. إنفينيتي عشيرة - الفوضى التي يجب أن تتعلم كيف توجد فيها.
انضم إلى إحدى العشائر وقاتل إلى جانبها. أظهر قوتك للعشائر الأخرى واكسب الهيمنة المطلقة في Infinity Clan!
يتم ترقية جميع المباني في اللعبة على الفور. الآن لم تعد بحاجة إلى انتظار نهاية البناء. العب Infinity Clan دفعة واحدة! لا ينطبق التحسين الفوري على المباني فحسب ، بل على الوحدات القتالية أيضًا. في المعارك ، ستصبح أقوى ، وبالتالي فإن فرص الضخ تنفتح باستمرار.
في Infinity Clan ، يمكنك قيادة القبيلة بأكملها خلفك ، لتصبح رأسها. حماية منزلك هي أولوية قصوى. للتعامل مع ذلك ، ستحتاج إلى توظيف أبطال ، كل منهم يختلف اختلافًا جذريًا عن الآخر. قدرات الشخصية فريدة من نوعها! قم بتثبيت Infinity Clan لتجربة جميع الحيل والميزات المتاحة.
تفتح Infinity Clan إمكانية التنافس مع العشائر الأخرى. قم بتطوير مهاراتك الخاصة للتفوق على منافسيك. بناء مباني وظيفية من الصفر. استعادة ما تم تدميره مرة واحدة! حافظ على الانسجام واجعل عشيرتك الأصلية لا تقهر.
تطوير مجموعة متنوعة من الشخصيات لضخها بشكل متناغم. قد لا يفهم المبتدئون بعض الاحتياجات ، ولكن بمرور الوقت ، سيستخدم اللاعب المزيد والمزيد من الميزات. للفوز في Infinity Clan ، لا يمكنك تفويت أي شيء.
في البحث الأبدي عن لعبة متنوعة وشيقة؟ ثم تم تصميم Infinity Clan خصيصًا من أجلك. لا يوجد الكثير من المباني والشخصيات فحسب ، بل هناك أيضًا أوضاع. ليس عليك أن تلعب نفس السيناريو مرارًا وتكرارًا. لكن هذه بالضبط هي المشكلة الرئيسية للعديد من المشاريع المماثلة! في Infinity Clan ، سيتمكن أي لاعب من العثور على الوضع الذي سيصبح المفضل لديه. لكن هذا لا يعني أنه يجب أن تعطي الأفضلية لواحد فقط!
281 (2.5.64) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we have optimized some features and operation processes, enhancing your early-stage experience. For our loyal players, we've made adjustments to character creation and refined some visual elements based on your feedback. Moreover, we've rolled out two major events for your active participation.
261 (2.5.43) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we've improved the interface and usability of many features, tuned the intensity of initial battles, and enriched the main questline. For our loyal players, we've introduced a brand-new festival event titled 'Headless Knight's Troubles'.
256 (2.5.40) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we've enhanced the operation experience for various features and adjusted the rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we've introduced new decorations available in the Lucky Store. Additionally, we've addressed known issues that were affecting your experience.
251 (2.5.31) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we've enhanced the operation experience for various features and adjusted the rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we've introduced new decorations available in the Lucky Store. Additionally, we've addressed known issues that were affecting your experience.
249 (2.5.30) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we've enhanced the operation experience for various features and adjusted the rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we've introduced new decorations available in the Lucky Store. Additionally, we've addressed known issues that were affecting your experience.
243 (2.5.20) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we've enhanced the operation experience and adjusted the rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we've fine-tuned the operation experience for the Visit and Elysian Orchard features.
235 (2.5.10) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we have introduced the Clan Tavern feature to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we have introduced the new Red Leaf Castle decoration and Red Leaf Crown avatar frame to the Merit Store. Additionally, we have added two new alliance features: Spirit Trial and Alliance Quest.
231 (2.5.0) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we have added exciting rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we have improved the depth of information in Alliance Log and Ranking. Additionally, we have fine-tuned the operational experience in the Special Training Arena, while also addressing several known issues.
224 (2.4.90) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we have added exciting rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we have addressed known issues and introduced the Visit feature. Furthermore, we have made enhancements to the Decoration Center and Trade feature.
216 (2.4.80) This update brings adjustments and optimizations based on user feedback to elevate the overall gaming experience. For beginners, we have added exciting rewards to make your journey more enjoyable. For our loyal players, we have addressed known issues and introduced the thrilling Merchant's Collection event. Furthermore, we have made enhancements to the Top Chief event and Totems.