رسم لعبة لديك التطبيق هو شيء خاص، لأنها سوف تسمح لك لخلق لعبة خاصة بك، في الوقت نفسه، لا تحتاج معرفة البرمجة أو الجوانب الفنية الأخرى، ومع ذلك، سوف تحتاج ما لا يقل مهارة بسيطة في الرسم، وكذلك ورقة وعدد قليل أقلام الرصاص الملونة. أنشأنا هذه التحفة الفنية في استوديوهات Zerokcm التي تجعل من الألعاب، ولكن يبدو أنهم تعبوا، ولذلك نقدم لكم لإنشاء الخاصة بك وتشغيله - رائعة!
فكرة سهلة التطبيق بشكل لا يصدق لفهم والجميع يمكن على الاطلاق! وسوف تحتاج فقط إلى رسم الكثير من المباريات التي لعبها على قطعة من الورق، والتقاط صورة من خلال الكاميرا التي تدير مباشرة من التطبيق. ومع ذلك، مع صورة تحتاج إلى اتباع بعض القواعد، لتبدأ، ويسمح لك لاستخدام أربعة ألوان فقط - الأسود والأزرق والأحمر والأخضر، ثم تحتاج إلى فهم ما يتوافق كل لون إلى:
أسود - كل ما لا يتحرك، مثل الأرض أو مقاعد
الزرقاء - هذا اللون يمكن استخلاص العناصر التي سوف تتحرك، على سبيل المثال الأدراج
الأحمر - لون الخطر، ورسمت هذا اللون سوف تمثل تهديدا للطابع أو كائنات زرقاء
الأخضر - وهذه هي العناصر التي الطابع الخاص بك سوف تكون قادرة على القفز على الترامبولين نوع
فقط باستخدام هذه الألوان الأربعة، يمكنك خلق مستويات متعددة من له platforming الشخصية، بالطبع، كنت محدودة فقط من الخيال لها!
بشكل عام، سيتم عرض خيارين - لخلق الخاصة بها اللعبة في العالم ومع الرغبة في تقاسمها مع المجتمع أن هناك شكلت بالفعل، أو أن يذهب إلى الفتح من الألعاب التي تم إنشاؤها من قبل المستخدمين الآخرين، والذي هو أيضا نشاط مثير جدا للاهتمام ككل.
خلاصة القول: أن العيب الوحيد في هذا المشروع - بحاجة إلى الوصول المستمر لشبكة الإنترنت، وإذا كنت ترغب في إنشاء أكثر من مباراتين - سوف تضطر لدفع ما تبقى، وقال انه حقا هو عبقري وفريد من نوعه، لذلك، حمل رسم تطبيق اللعبة الخاصة بك ويمكن أن يكتب في سيرتك الذاتية التي خلقت اللعبة.)
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.2.532 (532)
تحميل التسجيل
2023-06-07 17:40
91.72 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.2.531 (531)
تحميل التسجيل
2022-07-17 02:37
81.53 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.2.530 (530)
تحميل التسجيل
2022-05-21 05:36
81.53 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the device and allow the app to slow down the overall device by always running.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.1.529 (529)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-07-25 08:27
45.97 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.1.525 (525)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-06-25 12:42
43.53 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.0.521 (521)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-06-13 05:14
41.01 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.0.518 (518)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-03-24 21:07
39.93 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
4.0.509 (509)
تحميل التسجيل
2020-03-08 02:51
41.93 MB
هندسة معمارية
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to receive packets sent to all devices on a Wi-Fi network using multicast addresses, not just your device. It uses more power than the non-multicast mode.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.5.501 (501)
تحميل التسجيل
2018-11-30 12:01
58.33 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.5.500 (500)
تحميل التسجيل
2018-11-24 21:23
58.33 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.5.499 (499)
تحميل التسجيل
2018-10-12 00:57
58.3 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.4.498 (498)
تحميل التسجيل
2018-04-06 16:53
57.45 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.4.493 (493)
تحميل التسجيل
2017-10-04 20:56
54.46 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Share your best levels and follow our latest news on our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrawYourGame?s=09
معلومات عامة
3.3.473 (473)
تحميل التسجيل
2017-07-30 23:14
36.92 MB
هندسة معمارية
ARM7 x86
تحقق التطبيق
يتم إيداع الملف
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Allows the app to read the contents of your USB storage.
Allows the app to write to the USB storage.
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the device from going to sleep.