XON Episode Three
3 (10)

XON Episode Three


Israeli developers imagoFX like puzzles and quests, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that their main project called XON got already the third episode! Just I want to note that the storyline episodes almost unrelated, but still, if you're really interested in the game, you can download the first two episodes in the Google Play page of the developer. It is also worth to know that the first part of this quest for free and without Donat, the second and current portion became already paid, the price - one dollar.

What is remarkable game XON Episode Three?
First you need to understand that it is concise evolutionary process that has led us from the first part of the third. With each part of the game was getting better and better, the developers decided to mass bugs, flaws and worked with optimization, which will have great pleasure to spend time in these unique worlds. Optimization is very important here, because all three parts of the game have a surprisingly nice graphics, with quaint buildings and landscapes, excellent detail and great design.
Apart from great graphics the game impresses with its basic approach, which is aimed at building a strong feeling of curiosity Player, which will become one of the driving force that literally forces these games take place. The main idea of ​​the game is that your character will be in a completely different world, a different world where all the logic of life and the laws of physics are very different from ours, so many things may seem strange and illogical, but this is the main feature. You will explore the big world and look for at least some tips that will make use of only by his intuition, because the sensibly assess what is happening will be difficult and, in part, useless.

The design and atmosphere of the game XON Episode Three is very much like another, more famous quest, whose name Myst ... so if you like all kind - do not deny yourself the pleasure to be interesting in the next world.

Result: the project seemed very interesting and quality, only its main problem is the lack of free trial versions as download free the first part you will encounter some of the problems from which the third and not a trace, but the film may generate incorrect opinion, so do not jump to conclusions;)


XON Episode Three


2.96★ 59.17%

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2015/06/03 08:20
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