4.4 (1211)
Goat Simulator


Each player knows what GTA, a huge number of waits for the fifth part of this game is released on PC, about mobile devices and think it is too early, perhaps once and will be ... but it is an alternative to own this game simulator kid!
First simulator goat appeared about a year ago, he went out a little later than GTA 5, which was released on September 17 consoles. Immediately after that, the war those who play it on consoles, and those who demanded the release of the game on the PC, but the manufacturers have not promised anything, and even said that there is a chance that this will not happen. But fans do not stop, so that some developers have extracted somewhere beta world GTA and made the goat in the shoes that you could run there. The game was pretty boring at first, because the city was empty, but the game has evolved, and now its even been ported to mobile platforms, so enjoy the GTA engine you can on your tablet or phone, but there are two important things first - your device must be a powerful, outrageous claims here + is not the best optimization. And the second point - the game is worth a little more than $ 5!

Gameplay and story.
It is difficult to say anything specific about the plot in this game, like the fact he does not, in fact it is an open world where you can head anywhere you can do something to break, crush and entertain themselves by any convenient means, in general it is all. The gameplay is just not tied to something specific ... the game in general is very strange, do not take it as something serious, it's just an expensive joke, nothing more.

Graphics and implementation.
Graphics here is great, physics and mechanics too great, especially if you do not forget that this port from the PC. There are schools of the textures, but the gameplay is not much they affect other errors too full, but the developers have officially declared that they will not fix them, work only on the critical. Also in the game there are points you can earn for the destruction as a whole - is the only statistics.

Goodies Games Goat Simulator:

Cons Game Goat Simulator:

Bottom line: if you're willing to pay for more than $ 5 a trick - download, you will not regret, but you should understand that the fun quickly bored. If you're a fan of GTA 5, but do not have the opportunity to play on the console, then wait a little longer, soon it will appear on your PC and the goat will not be necessary.


Goat Simulator

All applications Coffee Stain Studios on dev.mob-core.com
2014/09/19 07:08
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