Games for Android


If someone thought that the format of "three in a row" puzzles had already outlived its usefulness, then it may be so, but its representatives continue to appear on the android, for example, the one that we sewed today.


A classic strategy, the format of which is not so common on android. Nevertheless, it has everything you need - all the action takes place in real time, so, command!


Developers from GOAT Games presented all android owners with an excellent role-playing game, the actions of which will unfold in the wild west, which already hints at a lot.


An arcade from the Megaillusion studio, which does not pretend to be a special meaning, but with pleasant background music you can go on a space flight and try not to crash!


At first glance, this may seem like a typical tower defense strategy on android, but in fact it is filled with a bunch of references and very interesting characters.


A platformer that received a relatively modern design with "shadows" and, for some reason, a vertical arrangement. Nevertheless, this is the third part, which means that everything is fine;)


This time the hotel will be in a deep forest, and the player will take the role of a test subject under the next number ... if this is not a horror for you, then it will be difficult to come up with something better on android.


The second part of the dark and even scary adventures awaits you on android! Look for the component parts of the weapon, collect it, hide from the nun and enjoy the adrenaline!


The novelty has absorbed all the "juices" of the latest trends, so it is assumed that your character is locked in a closet and is afraid, but there are monitors by which you can figure out the killer ...


A casual arcade game for android, which is another rethinking of the immortal classic - a snake, of course, with new graphics and interesting features.


A pixel-based game, and it looks just as ancient as the world in which all actions will unfold, and the task is simple - to fight enemies!


This novelty in the genre of simulators will allow you to find yourself where an ordinary car will never pass, because here we are talking about off-road and the most impassable places.

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