3.2 (1030)


Similar programs were often chip manufacturer, but what if you're not a monopolist, sooner or later, there will always be a person who enjoys what-t another operating system and you will not be able to communicate with him in his favorite program, but these sad days are gone! Now that communication without borders has become a necessary and popular, there is no reason to keep this kind of program, so they develop ;) So stay in touch, no matter which operating system is installed on your phone.

This application has several features:

If we consider that the application is completely free, it will be a good analogue of the usual sms, bored for Messenger, Skype and other similar programs, which is lined with a great many, so why not try something new? In addition, the application BBM refers to those products that are made ​​almost perfect, the developers are very important, their reputation, and they justify it ;)



2013/10/27 13:41
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