Simulation for android


A unique application that fully wedged into reality, such a dive you have never experienced, moreover, you are a direct participant in all the fun;)


Developers dubbed his game simulator criminal, cool, is not it? But in fact, we all know the real cool crime simulator, see how close work ...


The game for those who like Kraft, city and Minecraft, itself with a bunch of other improvements and upgrades to the game was 3 parts that already exists.


Another unnatural game, the reason is that it is a taxi driver simulator, a simulator that is working in general, simulator work for which you also need to pay will not only time!


This game is about firefighters and it is difficult to add something else ... but you can call her firefighter simulator, in any case, it is for a specific audience, look at how much it is!


The game Minecraft has long been overgrown with myths and moss, and developers still can not calm down and continue to offer us the opportunity to obtain resources in the ground and picking!


At first when I saw this game, I even got excited, think of yourself! Gangster crime city cars, but that's another GTA! But it turned out quite differently ....


It's time to forget about the Action Games, Rahner and other arcade, meet new driving simulator that will hone their skills in the parking lot and other regulations on the court.


Fresh game that will allow you to become a full-fledged taxi driver, with all its troubles, is very knowledgeable and quite an interesting project, especially if you like this theme;)


The controversial open world game, quite clear purpose, good physics and the ability to control a three-wheeled pedicab! And yet there is a lot of ice cream!


This game is only for those who are not deprived of hearing and thirst for music, but besides a good hearing and sense of rhythm, it will require you to and different reactions!


Approximately 10 June this year will be the world premiere of the new movie about dinosaurs - World Jurassic, this game will be a kind of warm-up and advertising the premiere, we estimate;)

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